Volume 6 Number 1 January 1996
Curve and Function Estimation
Maximum likelihood estimation for nonGaussian nonminimum phase ARMA sequences------- ----------------------------------------------------- Lii, K -S. and Rosenblatt M 1 Some problems on the estimation of unimodal densities ------ Bickel. P. J and Fan, J 23 Nonparametric methods for evaluating diagnostic tests-- Hsieh, F. and Turnbull, B. W 47 Kernel estiamation of distribution functions and quantiles with missing data-------- ------------------------------------------------------ Cheng, P. E. and Chu, C. K 63 Estimation of jump points and jump values of a density function--------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Chu, C K and Cheng, P E 79 Optimal spectral bandwidth for long memory -------- Delgado, M. A. and Robinson, P M. 97 A study of variable bandwidth selection for local polynomial regression------------- ---------------------------------- Fan, J, Gijbels, l., Hu, T -C. and Huang, L.-S 113 A comparative review of bandwidth selection for kernel density estimation----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Chiu, S. -T. 129
Locally asymptotically optimal tests for autoregressive against bilinear serial dependence ----------------------------------------- Benghabrit. Y. and Hallin, M. 147 An Edgeworth expansion for U-statistics with weakly dependent observations--------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Loh, W.-L. 171 Limiting posterior distributions under mixture of conjugate priors----------------- ------------------------------------------------------ Brunner, L. J and Lo, A. Y. 187 On balanced bootstrap for stratified multistage samples-- Nigam A K. and Rao, J. N K. 199 Bayesian model-building by pure thought Some principles and examples------ Gelman, A. 215 Trimmed estimation in the errors in-variables model ------------ Huwang, L and Li, S. 233 Bounds and estimators of a basic constant in extreme value theory of Gaussian------ processes ------------------------------------------------------------ Shao, Q.-M 245 Improving on the MLE of a positive normal mean------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Shao, P Y.-S. and Strawderman W E. 259 Change-point detection for correlated observations ------------------------ Kim H -J. 275 On the construction of trend resistant asymmetrical orthogonal arrays-----Jacroux, M. 289 Bootstrapping a sample quantile when the density has a jump------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- Huang, J. S . Sen, P K and Shao,J. 299